
Are you performing data entry twice because your software platform doesn’t do everything you need? Are you stuck using spreadsheets or invoicing manually? With SBN Billing software, all these problems are solved and more.

One Software platform

Because Billing was integrated as a module of SBN, it works in in parallel with the rest the SBN functionality eliminating the need for many software platforms. Your employees receive the reliability of only entering data once within one platform. The data is then more accurate and readily available for all your departments.


Billing can accommodate central stations of any size because it is flexible and scalable. As you grow, billing grows with you. Companies can perform all the steps to create proposals, schedule payments, create work orders, and create one time or recurring invoices. SBN also allows your company logos to be integrated on many items giving you a custom look specific to your company. An example of this is when invoicing your customers digitally or postal. It is simple to make Invoice headers display your colors, logos, pictures, and much more. Invoicing is also flexible enough to allow multiple layout choices. This creates a very professional look tailored to your business with minimal effort. This in turn gives you a simple competitive advantage over your competition with little effort.

Integrated for multiple currencies, multiple ways to pay

SBN Billing is flexible enough to handle many forms of currency around the world and accept payments in multiple format types. Whether customers pay through banks, credit unions, or other similar facility, SBN Billing can likely accept it. For specific facilities or payment types, SBN Billing can be integrated to work with most facilities. Payments can be accepted through checks, credit cards, tokenization, and more. Because of SBN’s strong global presence, it is simple for most companies to enter new markets and already have all the tools needed to bill customers in the correct currency globally from virtually any region.

Going green- not only for the big companies anymore

Within SBN Billing, businesses of all sizes are invoicing to their customers digitally. Digital invoices reduce their carbon footprint from printing while enhancing their public image. Not only can it make your company look great to your clients, but it provides a convenience. By being paperless, your company also creates a tracking system which increases your throughput. From the start of the proposal through the signing of the contract to the completion of the work the whole billing process becomes more streamlined.